Woman guilty of snaring two cats in Bronte country
A woman from near Keighley, West Yorkshire has been convicted on killing two of her neighbour’s cats using snares on Howarth Moor in Bronte country.
June Kershaw, 77, of Harbour Lodge Farm, Haworth Moor, Keighley, West Yorkshire, was found guilty today at Bradford Magistrates Court in a case brought by the RSPCA.
Richard Russell, a neighbour of Mrs Kershaw, had three cats, all were killed between April 2019 and April 2021.
Two of the cats, Frankie and Marley, died a slow and painful death in snares set on land owned by Mrs Kershaw in Bronte country close to High Withens, famed as Wuthering Heights.

Marley was killed with by a kill pole snare, having managed to pulled the snare away Marley’s body was found in a hedge. Frankie was killed by a snare set on a fence line.
The land surrounding Mrs. Kershaw’s property is a shooting estate and is believed to be leased out by Yorkshire Water and Mrs Kershaw has a close association with the gamekeeper and caters for members of the shoot.
The body of a third cat, Beebo, was eventually discovered in the back of a gamekeeper’s pickup van after as the gamekeeper returned from Harbour Lodge Farm.
When police ignored Mr Russell’s report the National Anti Snaring Campaign offered advice on how to proceed with the case.
Mrs June Kershaw was fined £1900 fine and costs.