Badger cub found dead in snare

BADGER campaign group is urging people to watch out for snares near badger setts after a decomposed badger cub was found in one of the devices.

North East Essex Badger Group said the animal, which was found in the Terling area, had probably died in May or June, but was only recently discovered by a member of the public who reported it to Essex Police and the group.

A spokesman for NEEBG said: “Snaring is a legal, if indiscriminate, method of dealing with species considered pests, ie foxes and rabbits.

“However it is illegal to set a snare with the intention of capturing a badger.

“In this case the snare had been set directly outside a badger sett entrance and the unfortunate victim was a very young cub, maybe on its first foray above ground.”

The group said it is a legal requirement to check snares daily so that target species may be shot and others released.

Anyone who finds dead or injured badgers can call NEEBG’s hotline on 07751 572175.