Petition to ban snaring for the fur trade in Wales
The National Anti Snaring Campaign has a petition to ban snaring for the fur trade being considered by the Petitions Committee of the Welsh parliament’s Senedd on Tuesday 1 December at 9.00. Number 3.8 (This is about 2/3 of the way through the meeting).
NASC has supplied the committee and Environment Minister with several recent examples of indiscriminate snaring involving cats and badgers in Wales in an attempt to ratchet up the pressure for a complete snaring ban.
We were made aware of snaring for the fur trade in Wales following an expose earlier this year by the Hunt Investigation Team (HIT) which showed David Sneade was snaring about 300 foxes a year in south west Wales and selling the pelts to the European Fur Trade.
A live broadcast of the meeting will be available on Senedd TV at: