
Petitions Committee of Welsh Parliament agree to ask Environment Minister for a total ban on snaring in Wales following our NASC petition

Petition to ban snaring for the fur trade in Wales

Snared badger dumped in wood near Selby

Review of 2020 Scottish Parliament finally protected Mountain hares

New legislative powers for snaring in Wales coming!

Duke of Norfolk High Court Threats

Cat caught in Gin trap, 62 years after traps ban

Cruelty of ‘legal’ snares

Badger snared and shot in the South Downs National Park

Badger Rescued from Moscar Estate Snare

Fenn Traps Not Allowed for Stoats after 1st April 2020

An investigation into the horror of UK fox trapping leads to calls for a ban on snares

Snared in Wales: Failed by the Welsh Parliament Environment Committee

Badger snared and shot near Basingstoke, Hampshire

Cat returns with home made snare around neck

Cat owners and campaigner hit out as ‘Mackerel’ suffers serious injuries in snare trap in Malvern