New legislative powers for snaring in Wales coming!
The NASC’s Petition to ban the snaring of wildlife for use in the fur trade is to be considered by the Petitions Committee of the Welsh Parliament on Tuesday 13 October at 9.00.
A live broadcast of the meeting will be available on Senedd TV at:
The petition arouse after we received news reports by HIT in Feb, 2020 of fur trapper David Sneade of Pembrokeshire was snaring foxes, beating them to death and selling the pelts for the European fur trade.

In 2015 the NASC presented evidence on snaring in person to the Environment Committee of the Welsh parliament. Sadly, the Welsh parliament decided to go down the route of a voluntary code of practice on snaring.
However, we are pleased to see that the Welsh Environment Minister, Leslie Griffiths, has informed the Petitions Committee: Before the end of this term, I will publish a White Paper which will pave the way for the introduction of an Agriculture (Wales) Bill during the sixth Senedd term. I intend the Bill to provide the legislative powers to regulate all aspects of the sale and use of snares in Wales.