NASC Snare Report: Reality of Code of Practice
Dr James Kirkwood (Chief Executive/Scientific Director of the Universities Federation for Animal Welfare) hang your head in shame! You chaired the Independent Snares Working Group which devised a Code of Practice for DEFRA on snaring. Except you ‘forgot’ one thing: the ‘Code’ would never be enforced, never checked and is totally worthless. Only a ban on snaring can end this suffering and would mean the police could act on any snare found.
In this NASC special report we can reveal:
This picture of a distressed fox choking on a snare set on a fence line occurred on the morning of 22nd February 2006. The snarer poses with a the dead fox and a hare he has just snared. A dead vixen he has just snared lies in the fence line. The same man also snared the dead fox hanging from a bridge, and the beautiful vixen alive in the snare.
Dr James Kirkwood, you have brought shame on yourself and no wonder the BASC welcomed your Code of Practice with open arms.
Anyone with information on the man in these photos, please let us know.