Scottish government is proposing a complete ban on snare

The Scottish government is proposing a complete ban on snare traps.

The thin wire nooses are used for controlling wildlife considered to be pests, such
as foxes and rabbits.

Animal welfare charities have been calling for a ban, saying the traps are cruel
and catch and kill other wild animals and also pets.

The government has started a consultation on its plans, which includes extending
the Scottish SPCA’s powers to investigate wildlife crimes.

It has been proposed giving the charity’s inspectors more authority to search,
examine and seize evidence in incidents of illegal hunting and killing of animals.

Environment Minister Gillian Martin said the persecution of wildlife continued to
blight rural communities.

She said: “Snare traps lead to unnecessary suffering for animals and these
proposals are part of our ongoing efforts to ensure that wildlife management is
both sustainable and humane.

“Currently, only a small number of farmers and land managers use snare traps.

“More effective and humane forms of managing wildlife are available and we will
continue to support the industry to make use of these methods.”

The Scottish SPCA welcomed the Scottish government’s proposals.

‘Unacceptable suffering’

Chief superintendent Mike Flynn said: “Animals that are caught in snares can be
caused unimaginable physical and mental anguish.

“Following reports from members of the public, we have found domestic animals,
protected species and target animals that have all suffered dreadfully in both
illegal and legal snares.”

He added: “A ban on all snaring is the only way to stop this unacceptable

The new provisions could be included in the Scottish government’s upcoming
Wildlife Management and Muirburn (Scotland) Bill.

The consultation runs until 3 October 2023.

Consultation Link: